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Dave Nephew February 28, 2012

Our deepest sympathy on Uncle Stan's passing.  Please know you are in our prayers.

Love, Dave & Judy
Dave Nephew February 28, 2012
Connie, Mike, & Terry,

So Sorry to hear of Uncle Stan's passing.  Thanks for sharing the pictures.  I have many fond childhood memories of visiting at your home and playing in the back yard.  Uncle Stan was a one-of-a-kind guy!  I know my mother and father loved him dearly!  He made the world a better place.  We got some great pictures the last time we visited with Uncle Stan & Ferrell.  He will be sorely missed.  You are in our prayers.

Dave (& Judy, too) 
Georgiana Lowe Stanley Lowe February 22, 2012
Dear Family, I am so sorry to hear about uncle Stan. I want you to know my thought's and prayer's are with you all. Love, your cousin Georgiana Lowe
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